In Announcements

Sean Bergin, President & Chair of the PTC Board of GovernorsSean Bergin
President & Chair
PTC Board of Governors

Aloha! I hope you are all staying safe and well. As the newly elected president and chair of the PTC Board of Governors, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this edition of Touchpoints.

It’s an exciting time at PTC as the team works toward delivering programs and membership initiatives throughout the year in the lead-up to what will be a fantastic hybrid conference for PTC’22: Reunite. Rethink. Renew. It’s important to keep in mind when you think of PTC, that it’s not just a conference, but a council that works on delivering member benefits year-round. To underscore this point, I would like to spend a moment highlighting the great work that the team has been doing in preparing for the PTC Academy, scheduled to be delivered in the third and fourth quarters of this year.

The PTC Academy is truly a collaborative effort with the coursework designed by PTC, the accreditation provided by Submarine Telecoms Forum, and the modules delivered by industry leaders who also happen to be PTC Members. This year, we welcome some “new blood” to the ranks of presenters from organizations such as KPMG Asia Pacific, Zenlayer, and Equinix, which will no doubt provide our students with insightful perspectives in the context of the broader industry in which we all work. Please take a moment to review the program, and if you have anyone within your team that would benefit from this outstanding training opportunity, be sure to register them.

Many other initiatives are in the works, so please be sure to visit PTC.ORG for regular updates. Certainly, the last year was a challenging one, but the PTC community has risen to the occasion and we look forward to reuniting with you.


Sean Bergin

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