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Phone Number Intelligence Data: Meet Telecom’s Triple ThreatWhen introducing the concept of phone number intelligence data, there’s no better way to start than with this truth: The global communications ecosystem is complex. With billions of mobile devices in use every day (an estimated 18.22 billion, in fact), all of which are sending and receiving innumerable messages and phone calls on behalf of their users. Of course, end users aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the global mobile ecosystem — organizations of all shapes and sizes are too. Since most individuals always have their phone with them, these devices have become the preferred avenue for all manner of notifications, offers, login and account support activities, customer service discussions, and beyond. As a result, omnichannel communications are engaging the mobile device in marketing and business communications more than ever. 

 With so much resting on messages and voice calls being quickly and accurately sent and received all over the world, making sure this dense web of communications can continue unimpeded takes exactly the right solution. This complex, fast-moving, rapidly evolving (and rapidly internationalizing) ecosystem of Mobile Network Operators (MNO), Communications Service Providers (CSP), users, and more is always looking for ways to optimize. Today, service providers need to ensure their routing is accurate, certify that messages and communications are secure for users, and keep costs at bay. 

In the face of aggressive requirements and high standards of excellence, it just so happens that phone number intelligence can do it all. So, let’s get better acquainted with this resource and how it assists in global communications. 

What is Phone Number Intelligence Data Anyway? 
Here’s a simple overview of this versatile, powerful tool: Phone number intelligence data is a host of informational tidbits and detailed network and service attributes pertaining to every individual phone number across the globe. Phone number intelligence data — in its best and most useful form — offers organizations access to highly granular, normalized, and always up-to-date insights into the number’s origins, porting history, and beyond. 

So, what does that information do for CSPs or MNOs trying to keep pace with evolving communications demands? In short, it does a great many things and offers many unique advantages, but the core three are: making complex processes simpler, keeping communications more secure, and ensuring business operations are more cost effective. 

When you dig deeper into the value of this data, it becomes clear that with access to a robust set of high-quality data, traffic routing, rating and billing, and fraud prevention efforts can become even more robust and reliable — all while becoming more cost and time efficient. It’s a victory on all fronts with a variety of use cases (if the data is sourced well and presented with maximized ease for the user).  

Simplifying the Complex, Unlocking the Value of Communications
As noted, phone number intelligence data is a highly versatile asset that can bring down barriers to a wide range of business and performance advantages. For instance, in a security-first world where businesses and end users alike fear their private information or account credentials being stolen, phone number intelligence data can help fortify the mobile authentication and login processes many businesses have adopted. This is accomplished by giving the business insight into whether a phone number has recently been ported (meaning switched to a new service provider), which is an indicator that it could be a fraudulent attempt at account takeover. This data also reduces risks associated with spoofing and robocalling by empowering advanced algorithms that screen incoming calls for malicious potential, creating a “scam likely” label to notify the call recipient of any danger. 

Another one of phone number intelligence data’s biggest draws is how good it is at helping CSPs and MNOs accurately route their traffic. Access to authoritative registries full of up-to-date data sets and routing information means that messages and calls get where they need to go reliably and quickly. That promise of service excellence is at the core of customer retention and satisfaction initiatives, making it a non-negotiable for service providers. Not to mention, accurate routing the first time around helps avoid billing disputes, time loss on manual processes, and even the potential loss of customer trust and business. In summation, accurate routing tools like phone number intelligence data keep complex tasks simple and cost-effective. 

Needless to say, the global communications ecosystem is only growing larger and more complex by the day. The antidote to this progression is a solution that mitigates complexity and cost while still maintaining exceptionally high-quality results for users and businesses around the world. That is the beauty of phone number intelligence. 

 About netnumber Global Data Services
netnumber Global Data Services is the world-leading provider of phone number intelligence data. At the forefront of telecommunications for over two decades, the company delivers market-leading real-time number data and routing solutions to enterprises, as well as messaging and communication service providers, powering communication networks globally, strengthening security, and combating fraud. By integrating its comprehensive collection of global number databases, Override Service Registry, and other data sets, netnumber Global Data Services provides an unparalleled range of solutions that underpin number portability, routing, and billing of voice and data services. 

To learn more about netnumber Global Data Services, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. 

Steve Legge, President and CEO of netnumber Global Data Services

Steve Legge
President & CEO
netnumber Global Data Services

About netnumber Global Data Services
netnumber Global Data Services is the world-leading provider of phone number intelligence data. At the forefront of telecommunications for over two decades, the company delivers market-leading real-time number data and routing solutions to enterprises, as well as messaging and communication service providers, powering communication networks globally, strengthening security, and combating fraud. By integrating its comprehensive collection of global number databases, Override Service Registry, and other data sets, netnumber Global Data Services provides an unparalleled range of solutions that underpin number portability, routing, and billing of voice and data services. 

To learn more about netnumber Global Data Services, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. 

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