In Blog, PTC-TV

Big Transformation (2 min 9 sec):
Erick Contag, Executive Chairman of GlobeNet, identifies, “Our entire industry is going through very extensive transformational change.” The way technology is being used is driving change in the industry, and having the right infrastructure, primarily fiber, is critical.

Mr. Contag describes the impact of entering into an era with more data demand. He conveys, this big transformation brings the insatiable need for bandwidth across fiber and submarine cables, affirming, “everybody just needs more.”

As new entrants, nontraditional telcos, are getting closer to the end user, discovering how to work in unison is paramount. How will traditional telcos learn to work with OTT companies? What new infrastructure will be needed to meet demand growth? What role will submarine cables play in this transformation?

Erick Contag, Executive Chairman, GlobeNet

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