The PTC Community
The Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) is the leading professional organization promoting the advancement and commercial use of information and communication technologies, services, policies, and knowledge, to benefit its global members and the people of the Pacific Hemisphere.

PTC is led by a Board of Governors (BG) and an Advisory Council (AC).
The BG, elected by the membership, has managerial and fiduciary oversight and is responsible for the Council’s strategic development.
The AC, comprised of both elected members and BG appointees, provides valuable knowledge and industry experience to help guide the Council’s work and progress.

PTC membership is open to any person or entity worldwide with professional interests in the Pacific region pertaining to telecommunications, information technology, or related fields.
PTC Membership Categories
For-Profit: A for-profit entity is an organization that is commercial (i.e., for-profit) in nature. To join PTC, a for-profit entity must have a major interest in the Pacific region or be able to show a relationship with and an interest in the development of telecommunications in the region.
Non-Profit: A non-profit entity is an organization that is officially designated as such within its state or country of origin. Examples of non-profit organizations include government ministries and departments, educational institutions, foundations, international organizations, and charities. Non-profit organizations do not include public or para-statal corporations such as a PTT.
Individual: Individual membership is restricted to professional researchers, academics, and retired telecommunications professionals who have made contributions to the field.
Affiliate: Affiliate membership is restricted to organizations that are unable to become full PTC members due to their bylaws or similar restrictions.
Student: Student membership is restricted to bona fide full-time students.

PTC’s Year-Round Sponsors support PTC throughout the year through generous monetary and/or in-kind contributions.
Event Sponsors help make specific events possible through significant monetary and/or in-kind contributions.
PTC and its Collaborators actively work together to co-create, co-develop, and/or co-host new or existing events, activities, or initiatives in support of PTC’s vision and mission.
Supporting Organizations support PTC by promoting the organization’s events, activities, and initiatives and trading in-kind services with PTC.
A class of Supporting Organizations, Supporting Media are traditional and online media organizations that support PTC by trading in-kind services and further increasing the visibility and profile of PTC activities.