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The PTC Japan (PTCJ) Committee Innovation Study Group comprises 35 enthusiastic corporate CEO members from venture and start-up organizations. The group, which will mark its 5th anniversary in 2020, holds a regular monthly meeting, followed by a seminar highlighting the latest critical issues which are assessed and analyzed by prominent corporate leaders, government executives, and journalists. The group’s efforts are considered the most successful educational activities of the PTCJ Committee.

Most recently, the group held its 53rd seminar on 12 December 2019, which featured Mr. Ryoji Koike, a preeminent Silicon Valley-based journalist. He explored industry and social perspectives on 5G and IoT-based network technologies in a stimulating, detailed, and provocative talk.

First seated row from the right: Innovation Study Group Vice Chair Hachiro Senoo, Former MIC Vice Minister and Japan ITU Association President Rinmei Ogasawara, Aerial Innovation COO Fred Borda, PTCJ Committee Chair Tetsuo Yamakawa, Aerial Innovation CEO Ryoji Koike, Innovation Study Group Chair Noboru Ubayama, QTnet CEO Kazuto Iwasaki, PTCJ Secretariat Representative Hiroshi Asemi

Ryoji Koike addresses a room packed with venture and start-up CEOs on 5G issues.

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