SPC Nominations and Elections FAQ's

Nominations and Elections

1. Who is eligible to vote?

Each PTC member (corporate, non-profit, individual) is entitled to ONE (1) vote. The company’s Primary, Alternate or PR representative will receive the election notice. The first representative that votes is accepted and blocks any other vote.

2. How are the representatives designated for each member company?

Each member company designates a Primary, Alternate or PR representative. Typically, these representatives are assigned upon setting up the company membership, but changes can be made when the company roster is approved each year, or on an ad-hoc basis by emailing membership@ptc.org.

3. Can a company have more than one representative on the AC? On the BG? On both?

A company may have one representative on the AC and one on the BG at the same time. They cannot have two or more on the AC, nor on the BG at one time.

4. Can a company and their subsidiary be on the AC or BG at the same time?

Yes, ONLY if they both are separate members. If both the main company and subsidiary is one membership, there can only be one representative.

5. Can a representative run for both the AC and BG at once?

No, they must choose between one or the other. They cannot be on the final AC and BG ballot for both.

6. How does one determine which region and category to represent?

The category is determined by the type of membership you have (for-profit, non-profit, individual, etc.) The region can be determined by many factors. 1) where your company is incorporated; 2) where you pay taxes; and 3) the location of your brick and mortar office building, in which you work.

7. Can a person running for election be part of the Succession Planning Committee?

Yes. They can help with the early logistics. Once the nominations, elections and representatives are discussed, they can no longer be a party to any information. They will be recused from all further meetings until after the election process is completed.

If/When Elected

1. Is an AC or BG member expected to be at each meeting?

Yes, the member is expected to be at each meeting. If one cannot attend, contact the secretariat to give his/her regrets.

2. Can I have a substitute represent me?

You must be present yourself or wait to receive a summary of the notes.

Desired Qualifications for PTC Leadership Candidates

PTC leadership candidates for the Board of Governors (BG) or the Advisory Council (AC) shall be composed of individuals with demonstrated achievements in fields relevant to PTC (e.g., communications, telecommunications) or leadership experience in one or more of the following key areas:

  • Conference planning
  • Organization issue management
  • Membership development
  • Strategic business development
  • Media and communications
  • Academic or government liaison
  • International organizations
  • Finance and planning
  • Pacific Islands
  • Fundraising development

Qualified candidates should also be:

1. Visionary. Clear understanding of the aims and objectives of PTC and a strong commitment to aligning decisions and behaviors with PTC’s vision and mission

2. Committed. A full appreciation of the roles, time demands, and commitments required, including:

  • Acceptance of the legal and personal duties of governance involvement
  • Preparedness to commit to attendance at meetings and to remain in office for at least one full term
  • Understanding of the different but complementary roles of non-executive Governors, Advisors, and the Secretariat
  • Contributing sound judgment and working as a team member to reach consensus decisions
  • Fostering support for PTC among relevant stakeholders

3. Engaged. Significant PTC involvement via management participation in BG, AC, or its standing committees; via major intellectual contributions to PTC’s Annual Conference and programs; or via the contribution of articles to PTC and partner publications

4. Proactive. A willingness to engage in non-governance activities that support PTC’s success, such as conference/meeting planning, sponsorship promotion, or membership development

5. Financially competent. Capable of understanding and interpreting financial statements to carry out broader fiduciary obligations

Information Regarding the PTC Board of Governors (BG)

The BG is the principal decision-making instrument of the Council and is responsible for overall policy,
strategic direction and planning, and financial oversight of the Council.

A new member of the BG should expect to participate in a pair of face-to-face meetings at the time of
PTC’s Annual Conference in Honolulu. New BG members are invited Saturday before the start of the
conference for a joint meeting with the outgoing BG members to gain an understanding of the issues
under consideration.

BG members annually select their Chair; the BG Chair also serves as President of PTC. Other officer
positions including the Treasurer, who chairs the Budget and Finance Committee, are elected by the BG
members annually. Task forces or sub-committees are generally established and members identified.

Typical subjects might include:

  • Annual Conference
  • Programs and Seminar Events
  • Strategic Development
  • Membership Development and Outreach
  • Corporate Relations and Sponsorship
  • Budget and Finance
  • Personnel
  • Ad Hoc Committees: Projects, Academy, etc.

The BG meets quarterly video/teleconference that lasts one hour. There are possibly other instances in
which BG members will be called to attend more than one video/teleconference. There may be one
additional in-person meeting scheduled, during another event where a quorum of BG members may

The Executive Officers of the BG—Chair/President, Vice President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer—serve as
an executive committee and may be engaged in more frequent communication and meetings as necessary.

Time Commitment:
Like all voluntary organizations, the actual time commitment to Council-related activities is highly varied.
The overall BG workload is largely self-determined and is difficult to predict. The best BG members have
busy professional lives but make the time to participate fully in the BG. PTC is especially in need of leaders
who are willing and able to promote PTC externally and actively engage in the work of the organization.

Individuals serving on the BG benefit in many ways. These benefits include engaging and developing longstanding friendships with a network of senior-level colleagues from the entire digital infrastructure,
telecoms, and ICT ecosystem; gaining a platform to help shape the future of the industry; and elevating
one’s public leadership profile. BG members are given the privilege of working with the Secretariat to
continue the tradition of excellence at PTC.

Information Regarding the PTC Advisory Council (AC)

The AC is a distinguished group of telecommunications professionals elected to assist the PTC Board of Governors (BG) in the governance of PTC as a whole.A new member of the AC is expected to be familiar with the PTC Bylaws. Once elected, the member will
typically participate in a face-to-face meeting at the time of the annual PTC conference in January. Should
a member not be able to attend in person, the PTC Bylaws permit attendance through teleconference.
The new Advisory Council assumes its role formally at the conference, and new AC members should plan
to spend an appropriate time in Honolulu for this, along with other, committee meetings.The AC itself elects a Chair and Vice Chair(s) at the first formal meeting at the PTC Annual Conference and
serve two-year terms.

The AC considers topics and questions for study that might be posed to it by the BG. Some of the tasks
involving the AC in the past include developing the current vision and mission statements, providing input
for membership development and outreach, and reviewing the PTC Bylaws and Strategic Plan. The
Succession Planning Committee (SPC), which is responsible for organizing the elections for the BG and AC,
is part of the AC.

AC members are often called upon to serve in areas including conference and program planning
committees. All AC members are encouraged to contribute suggestions for the Annual Conference and

AC members must participate in at least two formal meetings a year either in person or through a
teleconference. Preparation for the meetings might involve reviewing reports, participating in Task Forces
and committees including teleconferences for these activities.

Time Commitment:
Like all voluntary organizations, the actual time commitment is highly varied and depends on each person’s
availability and commitment to the Council. The minimum time would be two meetings per year at least
one of which is usually all by teleconference. An average time might be two to four hours a month.
Positions of the AC Chair and Vice Chair and members of the SPC demand the most time commitment
(approximately eight hours per month). The workload is largely determined by requests of the Board and is
difficult to predict.

Continuing and Incumbent Board of Governors and Advisory Council by Category

I. Board of Governors (BG)

Incumbent BG Members for the 2024 election cycle. Current terms expire January 2025

RegionMember Details
East Asia For-ProfitWilliam “Bill” Barney, Chairman, Asian Century Equity, Hong Kong SAR China
Southeast and South Asia For-ProfitSean Bergin, Co-Founder & President, APTelecom, Thailand
Oceania For-ProfitLaurie Miller, President & CEO, Southern Cross Cable Network, Bermuda
Middle East and Africa For-ProfitCengiz Oztelcan, Chief Executive Officer, Gulf Bridge International (GBI), Qatar
Europe For-ProfitMike Sauer, Vice President Americas, Aqua Comms, Ireland

*Eligible for re-election

Continuing BG Members. Terms continue to January 2026

RegionMember Details
Southeast and South Asia For-ProfitPaul Abfalter, Chief Strategy & Revenue Officer, Global Cloud Xchange, Hong Kong SAR China
IndividualHeather Hudson, Professor Emerita; Former Director University of San Francisco; ISER, University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Oceania For-ProfitPaul McCann, Managing Director, McCann Consulting International, Australia
Global Non-ProfitMasaaki Sakamaki, Vice Chair, PTC Japan, Japan
North America For-ProfitLynn Smullen, SVP, NACI Communications, IT & Media, Oracle, USA

Continuing BG Members. Terms continue to January 2027

RegionMember Details
Central & South America For-ProfitTito Costa, Chief Revenue Officer, Elea Digital São Paulo, Brazil
Europe For-ProfitIsabelle Paradis, Co-Founder & President, HOT TELECOM, Canada
North America For-ProfitRobert Pepper, Head of Global Connectivity Policy and Planning, Meta, USA
Oceania For-ProfitBrian Tellam, Partner, Cornerstone Capital Partners, Australia

BG Notes: There is a maximum of three (3) seats that can be filled in any one (1) regional category at any time on the BG. There is a maximum of 14 members on the BG at any time. There are five (5) seats available for the BG election held in Fall 2024 for three-year terms beginning January 2025.

II. Advisory Council (AC)

Incumbent AC Members for the 2024 election cycle. Current terms expire January 2025

RegionMember Details
East Asia For-ProfitBrandon Amber, Managing Director, Palladium Partners, Hong Kong SAR China
Individual MemberThomas “Tom” Cooper, USA [Retired Professor, Visual & Media Arts, Emerson College]
Oceania For-ProfitMark Dando, Chief Executive Officer, Rabbit and Lion Pty Ltd, Australia
Southeast and South Asia For-ProfitJohn Garrett, EVP Sales, South Asia, Xenith IG Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore
Europe For-ProfitNico Grove, Managing Director & Co-Founder, Kawikani GmbH & Co KG, Germany
East Asia For-ProfitHeng Lu, Chief Executive Officer, LARUS Limited, Hong Kong SAR China
North America For-ProfitPatricia “Tricia” Paoletta, Partner, HWG LLP, USA
Global Non-ProfitFrancis Pereira, Associate Professor, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, USA
North America For-ProfitNakul Rege, Chief Growth Officer, Bankai Group, USA
Appointed (15 December 2020)Alex Vaxmonsky, Chief Executive Officer EdgeComms, USA
East Asia For-ProfitJoe Zhu, Founder & CEO, Zenlayer, USA

*Eligible for re-election

Continuing AC Members. Terms continue to January 2027

RegionMember Details
Appointed (25 August 2022)Naaz Bax, Senior Partner & Chief of Staff, Cambridge Management Consulting Ltd, United Kingdom
Appointed (18 May 2023)Linda Cham, Vice President, Roaming and Mobility, Console Connect, Hong Kong SAR China
East Asia For-ProfitRicky Chau, Chief Strategy & Customer Officer, CBC Tech, Hong Kong SAR China
North America For-ProfitRobert Crinks, President, 89Degree Networks, LLC, USA
North America For-ProfitMohammed Elagazy, President & CEO, CPS Services, Inc. USA
Appointed (6 September 2023)Faye Henris, Executive Vice President, Business Analytics, TEOCO Corporation, USA
North America For-ProfitGary Kim, Principal, IP Carrier, USA
Appointed (20 January 2024)Tim Logue, Principal, TJLNova Consulting, USA
East Asia For-ProfitYali Liu, USA
Appointed (22 March 2022)Stacie Loidolt, Vice President of Product Management, Aqua Comms, USA
Appointed (18 May 2023)Genevieve Maltais-Boisvert, Managing Director, DigitalBridge Group, USA
Oceania For-ProfitDavid Osita Mba, General Manager ICT, Cloud & Data Centre Business, PNG DataCo Limited, Papua New Guinea
Appointed (18 January 2023)Michael McHale, President, Quintillion, USA
Appointed (21 June 2022)Shannon McMann, USA
Appointed (29 June 2021)Robert Mitchell, Global Director – Network Master Planning, Microsoft, USA
Appointed (18 January 2023)Emily Newman, Marketing & PR Manager, NJFX, USA
Global Non-ProfitVivien Paris, Director, Larus Foundation, Hong Kong SAR China
Appointed (25 August 2022)J. S. Solomon, Director of Financial Markets, EXA Infrastructure, USA
Europe For-ProfitDiego Ricardo Teot, Head of International BU, Retelit, Italy
Oceania For-ProfitAndrew Tierney, International Key Account Director, Odine, United Kingdom

AC Notes: There is a maximum of 38 elected and 13 appointed members on the AC at any time. There are 29 elected seats available for the AC election held in Fall 2024 for four-year terms beginning January 2025.

Essential Rules, Terms, and Guidelines for PTC Leadership Elections

The rules, terms, and guidelines for the PTC leadership elections—Board of Governors (BG) [every year] and Advisory Council (AC) [every other year]—are part of the PTC Bylaws. The procedures for the elections, including nominations and polling, are established by the Succession Planning Committee (SPC), an independent committee of the AC. The SPC maintains the interpretation of the Bylaws and ensures procedures for the elections follow both the letter and spirit intended.Below are the essential rules, terms, and guidelines for the BG and AC elections.*

Board of Governors (BG)

  • The BG consists of up to 14 elected members, each serving three-year terms.
  • Members are divided into three (3) classes resulting in terms that are staggered such that approximately one-third of the Board is elected at each annual election cycle.
  • BG members are limited to two (2) consecutive three-year terms for a total of six (6) consecutive years. Additional terms are possible after being off the BG for at least one (1) year.
  • The BG is made up of representatives from the following nine (9) regional/membership categories:
    • Oceania For-profit (entity)
    • Central and South America For-profit (entity)
    • Southeast and South Asia For-profit (entity)
    • East Asia For-profit (entity)
    • North America For-profit (entity)
    • Europe For-profit (entity)
    • Middle East and Africa For-profit (entity)
    • Global Non-profit (entity)
    • Individual Member
  • A balance of Governors from all categories is sought such that there is a maximum of three (3) Governors in any one (1) category at any time. To accommodate this, the ballot is set such that no more than the “available” seats can be selected in each category and the overall number of votes to be cast is limited to the total seats available in that year’s election cycle.

Advisory Council (AC)

  • The AC consists of up to 51 members of which up to 38 are elected and up to 13 may be appointed by the BG.
  • The AC is divided into two (2) classes such that each class of approximately one-half of the seats are elected on a two-year cycle.
  • Each Advisor serves a four-year term. There are no term limits. Appointed members may only serve one (1) term and must then be elected in order to continue.
  • The AC is made up of representatives from the following nine (9) regional/membership categories:
    • Oceania For-profit (entity) [3]
    • Central and South America For-profit (entity) [2]
    • Southeast and South Asia For-profit (entity) [3]
    • East Asia For-profit (entity) [7]
    • North America For-profit (entity) [7]
    • Europe For-profit (entity) [3]
    • Middle East and Africa For-profit (entity) [3]
    • Global Non-profit (entity) [3]
    • Individual Member [7]
  • The number of elected seats available per category is proportionate to the PTC membership overall. To accommodate this and similar to the BG, the ballot is set such that no more than the “available” seats can be selected in each category and the overall number of votes to be cast is limited to the total seats available in that year’s election cycle.

*This document is only a summary of the main rules and guidelines. Additional provisions apply (please see Article V for the BG and Article VI for the AC) as described in the PTC Bylaws available here.

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